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Cold Formed Steel
Version: 2.2
Concrete Column Design
Version: 4.1
Spread Footing
Version: 4.1
Timber Design
Version: 13.0
Static Pile Analysis
Version: 2.1
General Section Properties
Version: 2.2
Multiple Load Footing
Version: 4.6
Wind Analysis
Version: 11.3
Aluminum Design
Version: 4.2
Flat Slab Analysis
Version: 3.0
Shear Wall Analysis
Version: 3.1
Pile Group Analysis
Version: 2.2
Pile Cap Analysis and Design **
Version: 2018.1
Composite Steel Design
Version: 2.1
Concrete Beam
Version: 4.1
** Neither Pile Cap Analysis & Design nor Cold Formed Steel Design are part of any Library Bundle unless purchased. Once purchased they are included in VIP Subscription upgrades. **
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