Aluminum Design Software For Axial Loads

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There aren’t many software programs available that can design aluminum structural members. At Digital Canal, our Aluminum Design software for axial loads is in high demand. While aluminum may not be the material of choice for every day structural designs, it is an excellent choice for decorative or corrosive applications.

Aluminum Design Axial Load Programs for Engineers

Some of the key features of our Aluminum Design software for load programs include:

You don’t have to buy an engineering library or a structural system to get Aluminum Design. It can be purchased separately. Our Aluminum Design axial loads software engineers has Rich Text Format for reports, which makes the software compatible with other software.

More About Digital Canal

Digital Canal offers Aluminum Design software for axial loads, as well as other software for the structural engineering industry. These products have been time-tested for more than 20 years. In addition, Digital Canal has more than 11,000 clients, proving that we help our clients grow their business.

Our philosophy is that we cut out the middleman. We deal directly with our clients, bypassing the 40 percent markup that comes from deals. After the sale, we continue our award winning support. Ninety-two percent of our clients have rated our support as good, very good or excellent. We know that technical support isn’t a glamorous job, but it’s one that we do exceptionally well.

Contact Digital Canal Today to Learn More About Us

We want to answer any questions you may have about our Aluminum Design software for axial loads, our customer service, our technical support or our company. Simply give us a call at 800-449-5033.

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